How toxic are you?
Did you know that it’s almost a guarantee that you and your family have measurable levels of toxic substances in your body?
And it’s no wonder! Our bodies are placed under an enormous burden to deal with all of the toxins in our world today – in the air we breathe, water we drink, and food we eat, just to name a few. I believe that things like food allergies, cancer, autoimmune diseases and more are caused in part by toxicity.
According to Keith Scott-Mumby, MB ChB in his article, “The Role of Toxic Overload in Your Fight Against Cancer”: “When your immune system becomes critically overworked and overwhelmed toxic overload occurs . . . and is one of the primary causes of major disease such as:
Mental disorders (depression, anxiety, and behavioral conditions)
Autoimmune disease
Heart disease
Inflammatory bowel disease
Neurodegenerative disease (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and so forth)
And many, many more …”
How does toxic overload happen?
According to Keith Scott-Mumby, MB ChB many factors can contribute to your body breaking down and causing critical systems to fail. It’s when too many factors are present at the same time when things get critical!
Chemical pollution
Poor nutrition
Heavy metal exposure
Chronic stress (physical or emotional)
Undetected infections
Unknown parasite or fungal invasions
Lack of movement
Poor lifestyle choices (tobacco, alcohol, substance abuse)
Food allergies or intolerances
Toxic overload doesn’t happen overnight. It tends to happen over time – even decades. Your health gradually worsens as your body struggles to keep up with the unending flow of toxins. Eventually, it falls behind and begins storing the toxins it can no longer process or flush away.
Scott-Mumby, MB ChB says that, “The harm toxic overload (also referred to as body burden) is doing to your body at this very moment would truly shock you. Identifying it and resolving this hazardous state is the best way to prevent, fight, and beat illness.”
But what can you do?
Getting toxins out as much as possible is critical, but it can be an overwhelming task. I believe you must use every weapon available to you to battle disease. And, fortunately, you have a pretty sizeable arsenal at your disposal.
Your number one weapon, in my opinion, is YOU! You have the power to take control and make your health a priority! Your mind, mindset, and motivation are key to winning the battle over toxic overload and, when combined together, can lead to transformation!
Here are a few ways to start winning the battle over toxic overload.
1. Nonstick Cookware – Ditch It, Now!
The majority of people buy nonstick cookware because it’s so easy to use and clean. Little do they realize that the cost of convenience is paid for by sacrificing health and safety.
You see, most non-stick cookware is coated with Teflon. Teflon is also known as polytetrafluoroetheylene, a carcinogen, which when exposed to it, can cause health issues such as:
Elevated cholesterol
Liver inflammation
Weakened immune system
Abnormal thyroid hormone levels
According to the March 2019 DailyHealthPost Editorial, when heated during the cooking process Teflon releases toxic fumes which can cause flu-like symptoms. These fumes can kill a bird in a few seconds. Imagine what it can do to you! It can’t be anything good!
Quick Fix to Remove Toxins From Cookware
There are several possible safe alternatives to non-stick cookware. They all have their pros and cons. These options include:
Stainless steel
Cast iron
Glass cookware
Enameled cast iron
Stoneware (only good for use in the oven)
Ceramic (My favorite because it’s all-natural and non-toxic. The only con is that it is somewhat pricy.)
2. Plastics
Many plastics contain BPA (bisphenol A), a synthetic compound found in many common plastics as well as in the lining of canned food containers. According to the December 17, 2018 article, “What is BPA and Why Is It Bad for You?” written by Alina Petre, MS, RD and published in this compound “can mimic the structure and function of the hormone estrogen. This allows BPA to bind to estrogen receptors and influence bodily process such as growth, cell repair, fetal development, energy levels, and reproduction.” Petre goes on to explain that, “BPA may also interact with other hormone receptors, such as those for your thyroid, thus altering their function.”
Which Products Contain BPA?
Some common products that may contain BPA include:
Baby bottles
Canned foods
Items packaged in plastic containers
Feminine hygiene products
CDs and DVDs
Sports equipment
Household equipment
Quick Fix for Toxic Plastics Start replacing your plastic containers with glass food storage containers. Use ½ gallon mason jars to store things like apple cider vinegar ( if it isn’t already in a glass container ) and granola. Smaller mason jars are also good to use for grab-and-go salads. Also, glass food storage containers are great because your leftovers can sit in them for several days without you having to fear that endocrine-disrupting chemicals are leaching into the food. 3. Indoor Air Quality Many common things that you take for granted and don’t pay attention to such as paint, carpet, new laminate flooring, fabrics on furnishings, smoke from cigarettes, etc. impact the air quality in your home. You have several choices to use to improve the quality of air in your home. Your can invest in a quality air filter or – you can grow indoor air-purifying plants. A lot of these plants are relatively easy to grow. (Alert: future blog on this coming soon!) You are constantly being bombarded by toxins in your environment. It’s really kind of scary! I know it’s not easy giving up products that you use on a daily basis, especially the ones that add a lot of convenience to your life. But, seriously, isn’t it worth making some changes and giving up some conveniences in order to prevent most chronic diseases and live a healthier life? You don’t have to do it all at once. Start with one or two very small baby steps and, before you know it, you will be well on your way to living a relatively toxin-free life! What steps have you taken to rid toxins from your life? If you find that you need some help deciding on where to start to rid the toxins from your environment and life, feel free to set up a “Pathway to Wellbeing” JumpStart call. Click here.